
Lucozade Sport – Last Man Standing

Time Based Arts asked for my GUI graphic design skills again, and this time around for a very exciting project. Grey London had a commercial for Lucozade Sport directed by Johnny Hardstaff (RSA). This had everyone at TBA including myself buzzing as Johnny Hardstaff’s work for game changing shorts ‘The History of Gaming‘ and ‘The Future of Gaming‘ onto more recent work for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus.


The film captures the contest of Lucozade vs. Water, introducing a new scientific claim, that Lucozade Sport hydrates and fuels better than water under scientific testing. Twenty four competitive athletes go head to head, half fuelled purely by Lucozade and the other by water. The action takes place under laboratory conditions monitored by a group of GSK scientists. Johnny’s attention to design is apparent throughout the film. Location, art direction, costume, sound, grade and the design of the graphics all marry together to create a unique image that personifies the idea perfectly. Under the watchful eye of Johnny I created designs for the screens, developing a thermal imaging look, animating the stats. It’s a testament to his attention to detail that one of the screens reached version 28 before he was happy.

Lucozade-2 Lucozade-3

During a meeting  Johnny’s phone rang, to which he calmly stated ‘I have to take this…’ answering with a cool ‘Oh hi Ridley’. It’s anyones guess whether it was Ridley Scott the director or Ridley Thomson CIPHE his plumber, on the other end of the line. This will also remain a mystery to me.

Watch ‘Last Man Standing’ courtesy of Time Based Arts



Client – Lucozade
Agency – Grey
Director – Johnny Hardstaff
Producer – Tim Wild
Agency Producer – Natasha Johnson
DOP – Mark Patten
Editor - Amanda James @ Final Cut

Time Based Arts
VFX Supervisor – Luke Todd
Flame – Sheldon Gardner
Flare assist – Prince Yiadom
Motion Graphics – Jess Gorick
Nuke – Matt Shires, Andre Dias
Smoke – Mike Aveling, Gavin Burridge
3D – Ben Cantor