
Film Five – Film ident

I jumped at the opportunity to create a 2k film ident for new production company Film Five this winter. Associates of Time Based Arts approached Mike & Jim about the gig, who in turn approached me.

I focussed on two approaches. The first being a more generic light forming the letters, starting split in colour coming together gently to form white glyphs. The second using the same idea of colour splits but using 3 different write on / reveal transitions superimposed on-top of each other. For the second approach I started with RGB split, moved onto CMY(K) split but after thinking that approach overused and contrived, settled for more random gradients across the glyphs.

After we all agreed that the second approach was our favourite and the first looking too similar to another film production company ident. Jean-Gabriel Becker from Sounds & Sons created a lovely and slightly haunting sound scape for us.

Watch the ident here:


Watch the ‘almost’ ident here:



Film Five
Sounds & Sons
Time Based Arts